03 June, 2006

Narrow Lane

If a man should conquer in battle a thousand and a thousand more, and another man should conquer himself, his would be the greater victory.....The Dhammapada

On Friday I had to drive from Aldershot in Hampshire to Storrington in West Sussex. The road (A281) was closed for resurfacing and a diversion was in place which went through some very narrow country lanes.

Unfortunately no one had bothered to check the width of the road and I was stuck for nearly an hour in the same place because a bus and a large farm vehicle could not pass each other.

All of the drivers and passengers got out and were talking to each other. Lorry drivers and little old ladies were conversing and groups of small children were skipping and playing football (soccer). It was like a party atmosphere and when we eventually moved on there was almost a sense of dissapointment!